Heoist Philosophy; Heoism: A modern Socialist political philosophy for unifying and liberating all the people of Sol; https://heoism.neocities.org


This website is hosted by an amateur political philosopher, amateur digital artist, and rudimentary programmer - you may simply refer to me as Hespera (She/Her). I created this website to host my developing political philosophy in one cohesive location, and I'm very slowly working to improve the visual aesthetics of the website. I typically use the word Communist to describe myself - in reference to working towards a stateless, classless, moneyless society - but you may also use the terms Socialist, Marxist, or Heoist to describe my political leaning. I am most interested in eschewing leftist infighting and fomenting a new era of inter-leftist praxis.

At time of writing I'm currently a member of the SPUSA, but am severely disappointed with the party's apparent inability to effectively organize. Despite having only a few thousand members, the party leadership has been repulsed by the idea of working with members of the DSA, RevCom, or reaching out to the SRA. I was previously in communication with the GPUSA, whom appeared a lot more open to cooperation.

I'm proudly a unionized transgender, queer woman, and I hope to see more intersectional solidarity among my comrades. While I don't currently have a formal email set up for this Neocities website, feel free to ask questions in the website's comments section. It must be noted that as Heoism spreads there will be many a comrade who oppose its methodology: we must work alongside them anyways. We Communists, workers who espouse that we uphold the ideology that supports the working class, must also exercise this in praxis: to unite with our comrades both local and abroad and put energy not just into education, but also into mutual aid.