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Heoism is an actively developing Communist political philosophy largely drawing from the works of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Ho Chi Minh, Malcolm X, and Mao Zedong, seeking the inter-ideological unity of leftists into a single Communist cooperative to liberate all the peoples of Sol. Each Socialist philosopher's influence on the developing ideology of Heoism will be explained briefly in this section.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels have the most obvious influence, what with being the co-authors of The Communist Manifesto, Marx having been the author of Capital, and Engels having been the author of On Authority. The work of these two Communist philosophers even in the 1800s has had ripples on the development of Socialist political philosophy for the past two centuries. Most notably, a quote from Marx sparked much of the development of Heoist philosophy:
"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the worker must be frustrated, by force if necessary."
- Karl Marx
For the past two centuries, this has largely been interpreted purely as its original meaning - the right to bear arms, something even the United States of America enshrined within its own constitution. Within Heoism, however, this has branched out to five key principles:
This will be elaborated upon in the main portion of this document.
Ho Chi Minh is notable for having written The Worldview and Philosophical Methodology of Marxism-Leninism. This book serves as Vietnamese education about dialectical materialism. Dialectical materialism is a Communist philosophy antithetical to both idealistic and pessimistic interpretations of the world, i.e. rather than viewing the world in terms of how it could be, it emphasizes viewing reality in the terms of the contradictions of the status quo in the interest of human development: a realist perspective of the world that draws from the political and socioeconomic conditions we live in.
Malcolm X was an American revolutionary black rights activist whom in the modern day is often viewed as antithetical to the more peaceful Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but Dr. King, Jr. did later come to respect Malcolm X's revolutionary socialist philosophy, later leading to Dr. King, Jr.'s execution. Malcolm X's philosophy hinged on the Marxist belief that true liberation could only come in the form of revolution, and advocated for black proletarians to forge their own path to liberation - "by any means necessary." While Heoism refuses to forsake working within the exploits and contradictions of the systems which trap us, it also acknowledges that oppressed people have a right to violence, and consequently, revolution.
Mao Zedong extrapolated upon Vladimir Lenin's understanding that proletarian liberation would come from the organized efforts of united Socialists, emphasizing that the workers would have to work with other progressives who may not consider themselves Socialists. In the modern context, this means that Socialists must organize with other sub-ideologies and even with Liberals: we must demonstrate through praxis that Socialism will liberate us much more effectively than Liberalism, the latter of which ultimately leads to Fascism, back to Liberalism, and continues as such in a ouroboros cycle.
It must be emphasized that these political philosophers must not be viewed in a perfect light: each had their own flaws, and Heoists must acknowledge both the progress and flaws of past attempts at Socialism. A potent example of this would be freely criticizing the religious persecution found within the former USSR and the modern CCP while also not giving in to the temptation of the reverse gish gambit - a debate tactic in which an entire argument is discounted based on small details - and instead also acknowledging what was done correctly.
This realistic and honest reflection on the developments of Socialism will help us learn to develop Heoism in a continual effort to tangibly improve our lives and the lives of our comrades, eschewing the problems which have ultimately led to our repeated downfalls and embracing the properties which have led to Socialist growth and prosperity.
The terms Heoism and Heoist initially come from the word phosphorus, meaning light-bringer. While this may logically lead to the term Phoism or Phosphism, this would be interpreted as The Ideology of Light, and without its Greek context would likely be pronounced similar to Pho. Consequently, this word was reverted to a deprecated version: heosphoros.
This word shares the same meaning as phosphorus, and leads to the term unmistakeably being interpreted as The Courier Ideology, i.e. bringing forth progress in the form of Communism, similar to how the Vietnamese word for Comrade means one who acts, an English equivalent being the term praxis.
The emblem of Heoism comprises of three elements:
The titular Power Fist has historically been a universal symbol of power and liberation. This symbol has been used in a plethora of political developments, most notably in the Black Power and Black Lives Matter movements. This symbol is simple in the way that a sword is simple: it may only represent one aspect of philosophy, but it represents it extremely effectively to the point that even Fascists have attempted to circumvent the symbol, wherein white supremacists have pathetically been known to colour-swap the traditionally black Power Fist into a so-called White Power fist.
Within the emblem of Heoism, this represents the workers rising up against their oppressors, ultimately liberating them alongside us in a society that benefits us all with equity. This Power Fist clutches the next symbol:
The Gear has become a common modern symbol of Socialism and other progressive groups. This fittingly follows the suit of workers' tools historically being used in Socialist symbolism, such as the starry plough, rifles, pens, tractors, and most notably, the hammer and sickle. This in tandem with the Power Fist not only looks nice, but reinforces the visual representation of workers being integral to our mutual liberation.
This Gear then surrounds the next symbol:
The Red Star is the most integral symbol of Heoist political philosophy, with its five points representing the five key pillars of Heoism: the arming of not only Defense, but also Body, Mind, Tongue, and Hope. While often interpreted as purely a symbol of the USSR, in the modern context it serves as a broad symbol of Socialism. Within the emblem of Heoism, this Red Star is inverted to a South-up position, not only to frame the Power Fist better, but also out of respect for the Global South who have been consistently oppressed in every sense of the word by the Global North for centuries on end.
This consequently forms a perfect segue to explaining:
The foremost ideology of Heoism finds its origins in a quote from Karl Marx: "Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the worker must be frustrated, by force if necessary." Heretofore this has largely been interpreted as only for the right to bear arms - i.e. weapons - but this must be extended further so that the worker can be properly armed. Truly, just as the rising Red Star has five points, so too it follows that the worker must be armed of five principles: the worker must be armed of defense, the worker must be armed of body, the worker must be armed of mind, the worker must be armed of tongue, and the worker must be armed of hope.
Any attempt, whether from higher power or Fifth Column within, to disarm the worker of any of these principles must be frustrated, must be resisted, must be fixed - do not allow yourself to be disarmed, do not allow your comrades to be disarmed, and do not allow even those you perceive as enemies or chains to be disarmed. For any of us to be free, we must all be free - any system that retains any semblance of oppression in which human rights are privileges means that those rights can be stripped from any and all of us. Fight to arm all the peoples of humanity.
Following its original interpretation, the worker must be armed of defense. The worker must be allowed to possess equal weaponry to that of their state or anarcho-commune so that they may defend themselves in the event oppression is levied against them. However, this must not be halted at weapons - what is the purpose of owning a weapon if you haven't the ability to use it? To this effect, in order for the worker to be properly armed of defense, they must not only be armed of weaponry, but also of its ammunition, and of the knowledge and skill to use their weapons.
Workers must be provided the education necessary to wield their weapons properly, to use them precisely and accurately, to clean and maintain them, to use them safely, and to de-escalate conflict where possible to prevent injury, dismemberment, or death. Wherein a blockade for weapons is created, whether this be the fascist restriction of weapons to armed forces, the conservative restriction of knowledge of the proper use of weapons, the liberal restriction of classifications of weapons, or the capitalist restriction of the means to acquire weapons, it must be resisted.
To this effect, the workers must be unto themselves a militia, capable of functioning both in large and isolated groups, and one that prioritizes the protection of health and life over capital, and especially over the oppressive force. So too, then, must the worker be able to organize, as the restriction of organization is inherently a frustration of the ability for workers to defend themselves. Consequently, there must be no restriction of the workers' ability to organize into defensive militias, political parties, or labour unions.
A worker is not truly armed if they are not also armed of body. I must clarify here that this tenet of Heoism shall not be utilized as a reason to justify eugenics, ableism, genocide, or other such process of oppressing those of other body types to those who perceive themselves as the ruling class - we are here to dissolve the bourgeoisie and create a solidified and strong proletarian union freed from class oppression, not to reinforce classism.
It would not be out of the question that some may question what this principle means, if not ableism, and to that effect I must emphasize this regards the prioritization of the health of the worker. Heoism cannot function without respect to and protection of the disabled. A worker who is armed of body is one with unrestricted access to healthcare, one whose health is protected by their comrades, one whose rest is prioritized over labour, one whose environment is easily accessible to those disabled of mind and body, one whose reproduction can be safely performed or aborted, and one whose rights cannot be stripped on the basis of ability.
The worker must have access to safe, free, high-quality, and unrestricted healthcare, and this healthcare must include such necessary medical services such as contraception, STD testing, abortion, prostheses and other ability aids, hormone replacement therapy, transgender operations, and should humanity reach a point in which it becomes a normal facet of life, transhumanism. To this effect, the worker so too must have the same access to body modification, whether this be as benign as haircuts and piercings or as drastic as tusk implants and voluntary circumcision - no state should ever have the power to restrict what one has the right to do with their own body.
Inversely, this also means that people should never be forced to undergo medical operations they do not consent to. Prostheses are heavy, circumcisions have been performed without consent for centuries, and the bodies of our intersex siblings have been mutilated and unwillingly modified by eugenicists. No medical operations should be performed without the express consent of the patient. The worker must also be granted adequate sleep, something that inherently affects the other four principles of the Red Star of Heoism, and not just sleep, but also rest. To arm the worker of body, the work day must be reduced to 4 days per week, and 6 hours per day. We must also strive to reduce this further in the coming decades to 3 days per week, and 5 hours per day, and finally to 2 days per week, and 4 hours per day.
It must be recognized, however, that the work week should not be reduced further to one day per week: the worker must have the ability to organize within their workplace and to form unions, and restricting the human interactions in the workplace to one day per week will greatly frustrate the workers' ability to organize and resist oppression. Our environments must also be safe and accessible for the disabled in order for the worker to be armed of body. This means that:
- and other such needs as may not have been considered in this document.
Given that the autonomy of one's body is integral to Heoism, it must also be stated that prostitution and drugs must be decriminalized. Rather than punishing people for engaging in prostitution or the use of drugs, people should be provided safe and consensual places to use these services. Prostitutes and other sex workers must be granted the same unions and protections as the rest of the proletariat, and must be provided a workplace wherein consent of the workers is priority and they can be safe from dangers such as assault of any form, including the usage of drugs forced upon them in any manner - whether by physical force or by coercion from the employer or customer.
So too, must the usage of drugs be protected. Many of the proletariat and even bourgeois find themselves dependent on legal drugs such as alcohol and caffeine, so who are we to criminalize drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, and the like? Instead, safe medical facilities must be provided wherein patients can be given safe places to sample and use drugs, fully outfitted with doctors, poison control, and mental health services, especially those specializing in eradicating addictions.
Our doctors took an oath: Do No Harm. Allow them to practice this to the fullest by preventing harm through the danger of criminalized drugs and being able to openly monitor and protect patients using potentially dangerous drugs.
It must be emphasized that a worker cannot arm themself without access to education, basic and advanced alike. This inherently requires that the previous spine of the Red Star: the arming of body. A Heoist society must not only protect the physical and mental health of its workers, but additionally fuel it so that their bodies and minds may flourish. Therefore, Heoists must provide unrestricted and easily accessible education provided at no cost to ensure that all proletarians may become intelligentsia: and it must also be emphasized here that all work is skilled work - we should strive to educate our sanitation, construction, food service, and other professions falsely deemed, "unskilled," in capitalist hell just as much as we educate our scientists, doctors, and teachers.
This also demands a robust education network not just in its mediums basic and advanced, but also investing into its teachers: Heoist educators must maintain strong unions, wherein many teachers can educate smaller classes, creating higher-quality education in which professors can more closely help concentrated blocs of students, rather than being demanded to educate tens or hundreds at a time and divide their attention accordingly.
These students must also be provided longer periods of education, not simply expected to compress centuries of knowledge into twelve years, but permitted and expected to continue education for at least twenty, stretched out in a manner wherein education is more detailed, presented better, closely refined, and prevented from overwhelming the mind.
An important aspect of arming the worker of mind is ensuring the free flow of information while respecting personal privacy. It is at this point that a distinction must be made between private and personal property. In socialist literature, the term private property refers not to one's personal belongings - e.g. a cell phone, a car, a home - but instead to property reserved for the production of capital - e.g. government facilities, stores, corporate warehouses.
Therefore, with this clearly outlined, it can be stated without misunderstanding that private information must be made public. No corporate entity, no business, no government agency, no program, no CEO, nor any equivalent class of power, may create an NDA or other obstruction to information, the singular exception being that the divulged information will directly lead to the physical harm or death of the worker, e.g. state secrets during the transition era from socialism to Heoist communism - communism being the status in which class, money, and state have all been abolished to truly usurp capitalism - which may be exploited by the capitalist class to manufacture Fifth Columns and foment fascist revolution from within.
No books may be burned, no website deleted without archive, no government meeting unrecorded, the information demands to be free: once it is made public domain, it must remain there. These words must not be misinterpreted to foment a surveillance state. This concerns the free flow of information, and must never be used to excuse the increased monitoring of the worker: the privacy of the worker is of utmost importance.
With these terms outlined, I will condense their meaning: the private must be made public, and the personal must remain protected. Consequently, this also demands that the internet or equivalent medium of the flow of information must be maintained. Heoists must not allow the increased bandwidth of cell phones to override the television broadcasts whose frequencies it takes from, nor must it be allowed to override AM radio, nor must it be allowed to override FM radio, and never must it or any other communication medium be allowed to obstruct the flow of couriers delivering mail. Maintaining multiple methods of communication is integral to an educated worker.
What with the maintenance of an armed body and mind, the worker must also be armed of tongue: a worker who cannot represent oneself or their comrades cannot effectively organize or mobilize. Consequently, in line with the arming of mind, the worker must be taught philosophy, history, law, and debate. In line with this, integral socialist media must be part of education, such as the works of (but not limited to) Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Malcolm X, Peter Kropotkin, and Fidel Castro, offering a wide swath of leftist philosophy so that the workers may decide amongst themselves the paths they will walk.
After all, once communism is achieved, we will have essentially reached a state of neotribalism in which different blocs of socialists must work together: we must eschew infighting and work as one organism. While I must outline here that there will likely still be a state for operating on the human scale of all the peoples of humanity, any such state must be operated democratically by the myriad blocs of humanity, organized from below, never afforded the ability to crush the workers within it for its own benefit: effectively, a pseudo-state forged from the autonomous organized mobilization of socialist anarchists.
This knowledge, however, is obstructed when the tongue is tightened, something many an autistic comrade has experienced: something I may speak upon firsthand. I was given the fortune of being raised under petit bourgeois, granted high education wherein I had the ability to take choir, theatre, and debate whilst in the field of STEM, training my voice both literally and dialectically - yet denied the German of my parents and the Russian of my father, taught only English, Spanish restricted by the overbearing crunch of compressed education: an important aspect of the former spine of the Red Star of smaller classes and longer education.
I now hold the onus of independently learning to speak languages whose barriers obstruct my ability to effectively organize. No worker should ever be damned to experience this fate. In this regard, this means that education must be provided in multiple languages, teaching not only to larger swaths of people and preserving the cultures of non-white people - of which whiteness is a concept that must be expunged as soon as possible, as the categorization of, "white," is only served by and for the, "whites," malleable and bullshit, promoting miscegenation, segregation, fascism, and serving as a powerful tool of capital - but also to provide education of those myriad languages, unrestricted and easily accessible.
This inherently provides, in return, arming the worker of mind and body, allowing communication through the myriad sign languages of humanity. Any proposition for a universal human language - e.g. Esperanto, Toki Pona, English - must be easily accessible and never override other languages: tongues must never be tied to a single speech. With these outlined, it must also be emphasized that the worker must know how to exercise this knowledge. Consequently, debate and similar forms of dialectical education are a necessity to arming the worker: the ability to not just understand words, but accurately perform meta-analyses of vast swaths of information, educate each other independently on top of organized education, and open philosophy for all workers.
Finally, the worker must be armed of hope. A worker without hope is one without drive, one who cannot push themself, one who cannot organize, one who cannot mobilize, one who cannot think, one who cannot philosophize, one who has been manufactured mental disability by capital: a root of depression for many is this oppression of capitalism, and it must be cut out wherever possible. We must learn from the mistakes of the United Soviet Socialist Republic oppressing its Christians and the People's Republic of China oppressing its Muslims: religion must not be quashed under Heoism. Religion is a powerful tool of workers' hope, and it is integral culture that must be maintained.
Let the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims, the Hindu, the Vodunisants, the Buddhists; let them of any faith who serve the worker and do not oppress continue to practice their faiths. Wherein harmful faiths are found, such as the racist Mormonism, they are to be taught and expected to better themselves, not crushed under the hand of the state. Oppression is a tool of fascism: We do not need it. We will not use it. We will work hand in working hand, atheist and theist alike, working to better each other every day. Many a worker could learn from the Christian Communists, wielding cross and sickle, obeying the philosophy of the socialist Jesus exactly as their god instructs them.
Continuing this thread of thought, we come upon the philosophy of one not normally understood as a philosopher: Hideo Kojima. Well-known in our time for his development of video games, Kojima is more than a storyteller: he is a profound philosopher of our time we are blessed to have. Kojima speaks of the Homo ludens: an evolution of mankind whom has mastered how to learn and to play. Akin to how the worker must be allowed to rest to arm one's body and must be educated to be armed of mind, the worker must also be able to express their cultures.
They must be able to play, to create, to tell stories and come together as collective families: to learn through the act of play both in mind and in hope. The arts must be preserved as all costs, in religion and culture alike, and we must always respect that the flow of artists lubricates the force of labour.
The rightists and capitalists of humanity have tried and succeeded to divide us, and so too have they conquered us. Do not allow yourselves to fall victim to infighting: the oppressed can easily be divided, but only fools divide themselves. You must work with people you may not agree with - state communists with anarchists, democratic socialists with Marxist-Leninists; unions are strong because they unify despite their differences: we must do the same.
Together, these principles forge the Red Star of Heoism.
Organize and mobilize, Comrades: A Red Star rises.