Heoist Philosophy; Heoism: A modern Socialist political philosophy for unifying and liberating all the people of Sol; https://heoism.neocities.org



I am aware of my status as a de facto Commissar in multiple spaces, most notably as the progenitor of Heoist philosophy, and therefore it is my duty as the peoples' servant to hereby formally declare a Transgender State of Emergency on 7 March 2025 CE in response to the rapid preparation for the genocide of transgender people in the fascist American Empire.


The American dictator utilized over an hour of the Congressional address to discredit the humanity of transgender people,

The American dictator made the statements, "We must restore law and order in our country," and, "They will soon learn to respect [the police]," within minutes of each other during the Congressional address,

The American dictator announced during the Congressional address that he had signed an executive order mandating the death penalty for anyone who murders a police officer and demanded that Congress pass his executive order into American law,

The American Empire still maintains its anti-transgender, anti-queer, anti-Communist, and anti-human policies of the Trans Panic Defense and Gay Panic Defense allowing the murder of transgender and queer people with minimal punishment,

Amestapo (American-state-police) frequently demonstrate a shoot-first-think-after mentality when attempting to apprehend minorities,

Transgender people attempting to perform self-defense according to their de jure Second Amendment rights will be executed under this combination of fascist policies,

Amestapo and American prisons and concentration camps repeatedly demonstrate that the de jure rights established in the American Constitution are de facto privileges that can be taken away at-will by the fascist American Empire to restrict the power of whomever it considers undesirable,

A legislator of the state of Texas established a bill defining being transgender as felony fraud via verbal or written statements to a government entity or one's employer establishing a transsexual status resulting in imprisonment in a Texas state jail, slated to take effect on 1 September 2025 should it pass into law,

Incarcerated transgender women have been transferred to men's prisons according to the American dictator's orders, despite judicial push-back,

Incarcerated transgender women are no longer referred to by their correct names and pronouns, the Amestapo having reverted to using their necronyms,

Incarcerated transgender women have been denied the right for their sexually-invasive pat-downs to be performed by Amestapo women,

A senior attorney for the California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice received reports that multiple incarcerated transgender prisoners were threatened into relinquishing their underclothing, including boxers and bras, to Amestapo,

The aforementioned senior attorney additionally received reports of Amestapo men groping, harassing, and taunting transgender women,

Two incarcerated transgender women were moved into a private cell separate from other prisoners and threatened that they could potentially be there for months, prompting the attempted suicide of one of the women for fear of transfer,

One of these incarcerated transgender women was threatened with a reduction in gender-affirming medication despite the physical and mental repercussions,

The, "transgender offender manual," issued by then-acting-director of the National Institute of Corrections in 2022 has been rescinded,

A representative of South Carolina threatened to mirror anti-trans laws issued across the American Empire,

The construction of new concentration camps in Guantanamo Bay has been issued by the American dictator,

The governor of Iowa has signed a bill removing one's gender identity as a protected civil right,

The majority of popular American news outlets have been near-exclusively acknowledging the segregation of transgender people in sports, while neglecting more serious issues threatening transgender people,

The American Empire has begun re-utilizing segregationist terminology such as, "separate but equal," invoking the racial segregation used against our Black and Brown comrades,

The so-called, "Democratic," party have abandoned the support of transgender people in favour of, "compromising," (complying uncritically) with the American fascist regime,

The lone Democratic legislator who vocally stood up to the American dictator was forcibly removed from the Congressional floor by security, and

The myriad so-called, "Socialist," parties of the American Empire have additionally abandoned transgender people, holding hollow platitudes of either promising a revolution that will never come, or exclusively accepting Debsian policies, frequently demonstrating an unwillingness to cooperate with one another and merge into a singular Socialist union, alongside espousing theory while rarely (or not at all) enacting disruptive praxis,

Transgender people in the American Empire are at a direct critical risk of genocide at an undetermined yet threateningly close point in the future. Therefore, we are at a point wherein all we have left are each other, and we must unify and protect each other and eschew our narrow concepts of classism and disallow capital - i.e. any medium through which labour is expressed that gives you power over others - to define who we decide to protect.

Herein I will echo the practical instructions provided by disabled intersex Tumblr user eldritchbauble on 27 February 2025:

  1. No queer gets caught alone: travel in packs.

  2. No queer gets caught defenseless: carry a weapon for self-defense at all times, and educate yourself and your comrades on how to perform self-defense.

  3. No queer gets caught unaware: film Amestapo harassment and educate yourself and your comrades on how to interact with Amestapo.

  4. No queer gets left in the cold: end identity-policing and unify as a single community network.

  5. No queer goes withuot a roof, plate, or connection: exercise Anarchist/Communist praxis by pooling resources and providing housing, food, and community

Following these instructions, I will additionally provide my direct instructions for Heoist praxis in response to this Transgender State of Emergency:

  1. Shut the fuck up: keep your mouth shut when dealing with Amestapo, reporters, and social media. Amestapo will often lie and tell you that betraying your comrades will save you: it will not. Amestapo will often lie and tell you that your punishment will end or be lesser if you betray your comrades: it will not. Reporters will warp your story in a way that gains them more funding at your expense. Being too open on social media may endanger your comrades.

  2. Unify with other minorities: transgender people are one of many minorities at high-risk. Do not abandon your Black, Brown, and Indigenous comrades. Do not abandon your intersex and two-spirit comrades. We are all undesirables in the eyes of fascism, and we have to unite as one.

  3. The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls: listen to the voices of the poor and the homeless. Those most crushed under classism will be able to see its cracks before those upheld by classism. The oppressed are your strongest allies.

  4. Wear your fucking mask: it is inherently ableist to not wear masks in public and condensed spaces, and puts the lives of disabled people at risk. Additionally, there are multiple threatening disease outbreaks in the American Empire right now, including measles, which can destroy immune memory and make you vulnerable to diseases you were previously vaccinated against. If you haven't the funds to purchase medical (or preferably, KN95, or better, N95) masks, wear a reusable cloth mask and sew an extra layer or two into it. It won't work as well as proper ventilators, lacking the ability to prevent the passage of pathogens, but it can restrict the flow of fomites and debris.

  5. Cease your infighting: we as Heoists have a duty to unite with other Socialists, no matter their flavour of Socialism: Castroist, Debsian, Leninist, Maoist, state-Socialist, Anarchist; it doesn't fucking matter. German fascism - Nazism - was directly inspired by American fascism, and we have seen in both regimes the restriction of Communists, in Germany with concentration camps, and in the American Empire the First (US - USSR), Second (US - Vietnam), Third (US - Cuba), Fourth (US - China), and currently Fifth (US internal) Red Scares. It is only a matter of time before Socialists are inducted into concentration camps, and I cannot say whether this will occur before the induction of transgender people into concentration camps: and in either case, I am personally at risk.

Death before detransition, and vera libertas per civitatem.

- de facto Heoist Commissar "Hespera"

7 March 2025

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